Monday, August 10, 2009

Divine Vs Human nature? (Part I)

Most Christian denominations and sects claim that Jesus (PBUH) had two different natures. According to them, he was in fact, at the same time, wholly God and wholly human. Thus, they invented a pretext and a way out of the tremendous contradictions between the teachings of their different churches and what the teachings of the New Testament really are. 

In the New Testament we find Jesus (PBUH) bowing down and prostrating (in sujud) to Allah, asking him for protection and delivery (Matthew 26:39-44). We actually never read Jesus (PBUH) saying in his own words that he is God, the son of God or that he deserves to be worshiped. Even the few passages that Christians hold on to, saying that they prove his divinity are not unequivocal and we can find many similar or identical passages throughout the bible making reference to other individuals other than Jesus. (InshAllah, I will refute them in future entries.)

Even the very own disciples of Jesus (PBUH) testify that he (Jesus) is nothing but a man appointed and sent from God as a messenger and a Messiah. (Acts 2:22)

They use this idea of a double nature they claim Jesus (PBUH) had to say that Jesus (PBUH) was thinking as a simple human, every time they are faced by some passage where Jesus (PBUH) is actually saying "I am NOT God".

However, if their claim was true, we would read Jesus (PBUH) speaking sometimes as God and other times as a human being. Problem is, we never see him speaking as God in the whole Bible. 

Now a Christian might jump and say "Hold on a sec sir! We DO see Jesus Christ Speaking as God all over the Bible!"

As I said, Inshallah, in future entries, I will deal with the most notorious biblical passages that Christian claim they prove the so called divinity of Jesus (PBUH).

The case of Christianity is a case of excess: a love gone wrong. Every nation should love its prophets. 

However, when love exceeds certain boundaries, it becomes an obsession and the object of their love becomes the object of worship. The result at the end is exactly what those same prophets tried to avoid: their followers associating other gods with Allah. Only that in this case, the consequences go beyond what those prophets could even imagine, becoming themselves an object of worship.

This is not only the case of Christianity. In other religions the same process has taken place. In Hinduism for example, many names of Hindu gods make us reminisce the name of some Prophets. Brahma, Saraswati and Manu, remind us respectively of Abraham, Sarah and Noah. Is it mere coincidence? 

The gestation of some similar process was being planned by some Jews and hypocrites in Madina. Only that Allah (SWT) intervened with his divine words to abort their wicked plot. And this is the reason why I really started typing this entry. I was starting to read Surah Al-ahzab, as I read the Tafseer of At-tabari at the same time, when I came across ayah number four that says:

Allah has never given any man two hearts in his body
(Quran 33:4)

The Tafseer says that some of the hypocrites and the Jews in Madinah were starting to claim that Muhammad (PBUH) had two different hearts. They asserted that sometimes the prophet (PBUH) was acting as a mere human being, and that other times he was following his other heart which was divinely protected from sin and error.

Just as they had previously introduced alien pagan and sacrilegious concepts in Christianity, falsifying and deviating the original pure, immaculate message of Jesus, they were now trying to carry out the same plot against Islam. However, Allah says: "Certainly, it is We that have sent down the Dhikr, and certainly We shall preserve it." (Quran 15.9)

Their malicious plans against the final revelation of Allah Almighty were and are bound to fail.



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