Monday, July 27, 2009

Facial lift for the earth

See they not how we visit the land, reducing it of its outlying parts? (When) Allah doometh there is none that can postpone His doom, and He is swift at reckoning. (13.41)Tectonic plates (click picture to enlarge)

The surface of our planet is composed of tectonic plates that are in constant change, movement, and mutual preasure. A result of these phenomena are earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes. However, Allah has provided the earth with a unique system in order to release this preassure and make this planet an inhabitable one. Allah (swt) has made part of the tectonic plates disappear under others, melting and becoming flowing magma, reappearing in oher parts of the earth in the form of volcanoes.Thus, the face of the earth undergoes a kind of lifting operation and is literally shortened in some parts of the planet like the western shores of South America.

The following is an abstract from
"The Central Andes of South America form the second largest high elevation plateau on earth. Extreme elevations have formed on a noncollisional margin with abundant associated arc magmatism. It has long been thought that the crustal thickness necessary to support Andean topography was not accounted for by known crustal shortening alone. We show that this may in part be due to a two-dimensional treatment of the problem. A three-dimensional analysis of crustal shortening and crustal thickness shows that displacement of material towards the axis of the bend in the Central Andes has added a significant volume of crust not accounted for in previous comparisons. We find that present-day crustal thickness between 12°S and 25°S is accounted for (10% to 3%)with the same shortening estimates, and the same assumed initial crustal thickness as had previously led to the conclusion of a 25–35% deficit in shortening relative to volume of crustal material. We suggest that the present-day measured crustal thickness distribution may not match that predicted due to shortening, and substantial redistribution of crust may have occurred by both erosion and deposition at the surface and lower crustal flow in regions of the thermally weakened middle and lower crust."

Also, a result of this thrust is the formation of mountains: (source Encyclopaedia Britannica)

"In most mountain belts, terrains have been elevated as a result of crustal shortening by the thrusting of one block or slice of crust over another and/or by the folding of layers of rock. The topography of mountain ranges and mountain belts depends in part on the amount of displacement on such faults, on the angles at which faults dip, on the degree to which crustal shortening occurs by..."

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Misguidance and lack of oxygen

"Whomsoever God desires to guide, He expands his breast to Islam; whomsoever He desires to lead astray, He makes his breast narrow, tight, as if he were climbing to heaven. So God lays abomination upon those who believe not." (6.125)

Every verse of the Quran is called an Ayah, which means both a miracle and a sign. The Quran has been and will always be an everlasting source of astonishment and amazement for human beings. As human knowledge expands, we find new miracles in the Quran that testify for its divine source.
This ayah (verse) of the Holy Quran I have mentioned above contains at least one type of miracle. Allah gives an example of those he does not guide to the right path, as if their chests are too narrow and tight for guidance to enter them and reach their hearts. He says " as if he were climbing to heaven". How does this ayah constitute a clear scientific miracle?Modern transportation has enabled human beings to conquer places they once thought they would never reach. Like the tips of the highest mountains, the skies and even outer space. In these places, there is a lack or an absence of oxygen that makes it either very hard or impossible for our lungs to obtain the air we need. Therefore, humans have come up with artificial ways and utensils and instruments to secure their necessary air supply. In this context, the typical movie scenes come to our mind where the pilot asks the passengers to put on their oxygen masks.

Here we have the Quran, a 1450 year-old book, mentioning this fact that has not been discovered untill the last centuries. Even if for
argument sake, we take for granted that some people could have known this fact back then, those would be the people living in the Himalayas, the Andes or some very high region on earth. Our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) lived in a desert where mountains are quite low.This is a simple aspect of the miraculous nature of this Holy Book. You will encounter these signs and miracles by the hundreds as you read, contemplate and reflect on this tremendously wonderful Book Allah has blessed us with.

Mount Everest, the higest mountain on earth (22989 ft)
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